Sat 6/13: Short, Strange & Southern Fried!
At Eyedrum Art & Music Gallery. $7

The South is a strange place, isn't it?
Our first screening of the summer kicks off with a block of short films that examine all manner of southern oddities, both silly and sinister. Presented digitally and on 16mm, these animated, live action and experimental films explore the atmosphere and character of the American South. You'll laugh, you'll be confused and you'll be very disturbed, all things you've probably experienced at a Waffle House at 2am. Award winning films by Einar Baldvin, Skizz Cyzyk, Ryan Gillis, Jason LaRay Keener, Simon Mercer, Kelly Sears and local filmmakers Blake Myers and Anna Spence (both in attendance).
Cheerwine and Cornbread will be had as well as DVD giveaways.
Film Lineup:
Opening Film - 1:00 - Anna Spence
Palm Rot - 8:00 - Ryan Gillis
Collinsville Trade Day, 1988 - 6:42 - Jason LaRay Keener
The Rancher - 7:02 - Kelly Sears
Manager's Corner - 2:39 - Skizz Cyzyk
Munching Your Mother Fucking Nubs - 11:28 - Blake Myers (Presented on 16mm!)
Hallelujiah! Gorilla Revival - 4:45 - Jason LaRay Keener
The Pride of Strathmoor - 9:00 - Einar Baldvin
Big Turnip - 1:19 - Jason LaRay Keener
Glass Eyes of Locust Bayou - 14:33 - Simon Mercer