Sun. 2/26 Skip The Oscars (Give to the Plaza)
Hollywood Burn + Soda_Jerk + Adam Bruneau + Anna Spence + Bland Hack
$6. All proceeds go to the Plaza Theatre Foundation.
Scheduled to conflict with the broadcast of the 2012 Academy Awards, Contraband Cinema is proud to bring you an evening of anti-hollywood, anti-copyright illegal art. Made entirely of cut-up studio productions, Hollywood Burn is an epic manifesto against the corporate control of cultural history brought to us by Soda_Jerk! (See the trailer below) PLUS! short films by local culture jammers Adam Bruneau, Anna Spence and Bland Hack (Jamie Hawkins-Gaar and Julian Modugno).
Trailer #1
Trailer #2
Hollywood Burn (trailer), 2011 from Soda_Jerk on Vimeo.

Images courtesy of Soda_Jerk